Sleep Disorders
Most people think immediately of snoring. There are in fact many sleep disorders including sleep apnoea, insomnia and snoring. Most people think of snoring as a nuisance for the partner. In fact it can be a big problem for the…
Not So Good Vibrations
by Shilpa Rahangdale, MD, Lisa Campana, BS, and Atul Malhotra, MD Brigham and Women's Hospital, Division of Sleep Medicine, Boston, MA Snoring often coexists with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and has been used as a surrogate marker of OSA in epidemiological…
Headaches, Backaches and Dentistry
Introduction About 1/3 of the population suffer from Musculo–skeletal problems and imbalances. Frequently these problems can cause pain. Most of us know of people with chronic pain headaches, back aches or neck pain and migraines Usually people see chiropractors or…