Don’t Rush to a Dentist

If we get a rush of patients going to their dentists for amalgam removal it will be a disaster, warns Jack Levenson, the UK’s pioneering anti-mercury dentist.
It happened in Sweden and it could happen here, he says. Many people, some of them with serious health problems such as MS, have found that removal of amalgam fillings makes them worse not better.
The problems arise if a dentist is not aware of the rigorous safety procedures necessary to avoid flooding the patient’s system with mercury particles and mercury vapour while fillings are being replaced.
As the process can take many two hour sessions spread over several weeks, danger of mercury poisoning is a real one. Some patients who have experienced indiscriminate amalgam removal have reported being severely ill for 12 months or more as a result.
Some of the necessary precautions include a detoxification programme before the replacements starts, the use of rubber “dam” to prevent mercury particles entering the body, covering of nose and eyes – with the use of oxygen if necessary, and the use of detoxifying nutritional supplements during and after replacement: such as the chelating amino acid preparation EDTA, which combines with mercury and other toxins and allows them to be excreted by the body, the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase and its supportive nutrients such as biologically active selenium and Vitamin C. Mr Levenson also sometimes gives patients charcoal tablets to help mop up any mercury that does not find its way into the digestive system.
Footnote: Dentists versed in the full protocol are few. Those who are experienced in this form of dentistry can be contacted through Jack Levenson, the British Society for Clinical Nutrition, Flat 1, Welbeck House, 62 Welbeck Street, London W1M7hb.