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Root Cause by Netflix
I think the documentary is terrific. The scientific information is 1st class. I have minor differences with some of the dentists on the clinical techniques. As a dentist who actually does the work I disagree with some of their opinions…
Mercury – I Should be Deranged or Dead
Mercury amalgam does not belong in teeth. Here’s Health is campaigning for British health authorities to follow Sweden’s lead: to stop the use of mercury in fillings for pregnant women and eventually phase out the use of mercury amalgam completely.…
Snoring occurs when the flow of air to the lungs is obstructed partially or completely. You can have such a blockage with out audible snoring.. Most people complain about snoring as a relationship problem because the sleeping partner is disturbed.…
Sleep Disorders
Most people think immediately of snoring. There are in fact many sleep disorders including sleep apnoea, insomnia and snoring. Most people think of snoring as a nuisance for the partner. In fact it can be a big problem for the…
Not So Good Vibrations
by Shilpa Rahangdale, MD, Lisa Campana, BS, and Atul Malhotra, MD Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Division of Sleep Medicine, Boston, MA Snoring often coexists with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and has been used as a surrogate marker of OSA in epidemiological…
How Root Canals Generate Toxins
“A new truth”, warned Dr Weston Price, “is like a new sense. You are now able to see things that you could not see before.”Dr Weston Price, former director of Research for the American Dental Association for 14 years, spent…
Why is a rootfilled tooth a major health hazard?
The root canal in a health tooth contains not only the nerve but also the blood vessels that supply the tooth with oxygen and nourishment. When the root canal is “cleaned out” the tooth has to die. Common theory says…
Topsy Turvy Teeth
“A new truth”, warned Dr. Weston Price, “is like a sense. You are now able to see things that you could not see before.” Dr. Weston Price, former Director of Research for the American Dental Association, spent 35 years of…
Root Canal Dangers
DNA Studies Confirm Dr. Weston Price’s Century-Old Findings Toxic dental materials have created much havoc in the dental profession, as well as in patient health, for nearly two centuries. Dental mercury fillings, nickel crowns (especially in children, called “chrome crowns”),…
Why You Should Avoid Root Canals Like The Plague
Interview with Dr. George Meinig by Dr Mercola – courtesy mercola.com Learn How to Ask Your Own Q&A. Many people have had questions about root canals so I thought it would be wise to repost this article. It was an interview…
Restorative Dentistry Services
Crowns and Bridges The holistic approach considers the materials used in the crown and bridgework. We do not want to use the low gold alloys (used as the frame). We do not want to use any metal there are other…
Headaches, Backaches and Dentistry
Introduction About 1/3 of the population suffer from Musculo–skeletal problems and imbalances. Frequently these problems can cause pain. Most of us know of people with chronic pain headaches, back aches or neck pain and migraines Usually people see chiropractors or…
Toxic Teeth: The Chronic Mercury Poisoning of Modern Man
Introduction Exposure to mercury from ‘silver’ dental fillings has gained considerable notoriety in the general media during the past decade. Specific attention has focused on the potential consequences for human health and the general well-being of the global environment, The…
The Interference Field and its Elimination by means of a Lightning Reaction – Huneke Phenomenon
Introduction All new knowledge has to overcome two hurdles: the prejudice of the experts and the inertia of established theories. All our efforts in the segment are doomed to failure if the morbid processes are not based on the segment…
Swedish Government Bans Amalgam Dental Fillings
On 18 February 1994 the government of Sweden publicly announced the final timetable for the ban on the use of mercury/silver amalgam as a dental filling material. The use of amalgam will be totally banned for children and adolescents up…
Mercury Toxicity from Dental Amalgams
Abstract This article reviews the scientific literature and presents the studies and articles relating to mercury toxicity generally and form dental amalgams specifically. Mercury is lost from dental amalgams in many ways ranging from chewing and eating to toothbrushing, and…
Mercury Poisoning – Neurological?
Ronald J. Watkins, D.C The CBS television program, “60 Minutes,” on December 12, 1990 featured several persons who made spectacular recovery within weeks after having amalgam fillings removed from their teeth. Two others whom I know personally had similar response…
Mercury Poisoning from Corrosion of Amalgam
Mats Hanson Amalgam has been used in dentistry in Europe for at least 100 years. Amalgam consists of about 50% mercury, 30-40% silver and 10-15% tin. Some brands contain copper and zinc (1). Hypersensitivity reactions to amalgam have been reported…
Mercury is Poisonous
“In 2 grams (one average filling) of amalgam there is more than 30,000 times the maximum permissible daily intake of mercury (Swedish values)”Dr Mats Hanson, Univ of Lund, Sweden “Concerning the effects of mercury exposure on children as noted at…
Maternal-Foetal Distribution of Mercury
M.J. Vimy, Y. Takahashi and F.L. Lorscheider Am. J. Physiol. 258 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 27): R939-R945, 1990 – In humans, the continuous release of Hg vapour from dental amalgam tooth restorations is markedly increased for prolonged periods after chewing.…
Don’t Rush to a Dentist
If we get a rush of patients going to their dentists for amalgam removal it will be a disaster, warns Jack Levenson, the UK’s pioneering anti-mercury dentist. It happened in Sweden and it could happen here, he says. Many people,…
Dentistry: Stepping Out of the 1830’s
By James E Hardy, D.M.D. Mercury use in dentistry has been the subject of my studies for the past 14 years. I thought I knew the history of the mercury amalgam controversy well, but yesterday I pulled a book down…
Amalgam – Hazards in Your Teeth
Introduction Amalgam has, ever since its introduction 150 years ago, been the subject of recurrent controversies because of its mercury content. Amalgam is an unstable alloy and continuously gives off mercury (Hg) in the form of gas, ions and abraded…
Over the last years I have attended a number of sleep related courses and another conventional wisdom seems to be failing. The conventional wisdom since the 1960’s is to save all tonsils. Before this it was almost to remove all…
Fear of dentistry creates problems: People do not treat little problems early but when they are advanced (and therefore expensive). People do not attend for scaling and cleaning teeth. This can create bad breath and gum disease. People have a…
Neuropsychological Dysfunctioning
Neuropsychological Dysfunctioning Associated with the Dental Office Environment The purpose of the present study was to determine: (1) what chemicals are commonly present in a typical dental office and the possible harmful effects (physical and psychological) that might be expected…
Mercury in the Organs from Amalgam Fillings
Samples from the central nervous system (occipital lobe cortex, cerebellar cortex and ganglia semilunare) and kidney cortex were collected from autopsies and analysed for total mercury content using neutron activation analyses. Results from 34 individuals showed a statistically significant regression…
Zirconium Implants
One of the main difficulties some people have with implants is that they are metal. I am not sure if titanium is a problem in bone unless you are allergic to it. We recommend being tested if such implants are…